mongoaudit - A Powerful MongoDB Auditing and Pentesting Tool

mongoaudit is a CLI tool for auditing MongoDB servers, detecting poor security settings and performing automated penetration testing.

Installing with pip

This is the recommended installation method in case you have python and pip .
pip install mongoaudit

Alternative installer

Use this if and only if python and pip are not available on your platform.
curl -s | bash
works on Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and Bash for Windows 10
If you are serious about security you should always use the PIP installer or, better yet, follow best security practices: clone this repository, check the source code and only then run it with python mongoaudit .


It is widely known that there are quite a few holes in MongoDB's default configuration settings. This fact, combined with abundant lazy system administrators and developers, has led to what the press has called the MongoDB apocalypse .
mongoaudit not only detects misconfigurations, known vulnerabilities and bugs but also gives you advice on how to fix them, recommends best practices and teaches you how to DevOp like a pro!
This is how the actual app looks like:

Yep, that's material design on a console line interface. (Powered by urwid )

Supported tests

Tests marked with an asterisk ( * ) require valid authentication credentials.

How can I best secure my MongoDB?

Once you run any of the test suites provided by mongoaudit , it will offer you to receive a fully detailed report via email. This personalized report links to a series of useful guides on how to fix every specific issue and how to harden your MongoDB deployments.
For your convenience, we have also published the mongoaudit guides in our Medium publication .

"With great power comes great responsibility"
  • Never use this tool on servers you don't own. Unauthorized access to strangers' computer systems is a crime in many countries.
  • Please use this tool is at your own risk. We will accept no liability for any loss or damage which you may incur no matter how caused.
  • Don't be evil! :trollface: