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getsploit - Command line utility for searching and downloading exploits

Command line search and download tool for Vulners Database inspired by searchsploit. It allows you to search online for the exploits across all the most popular collections: Exploit-DB, Metasploit, Packetstorm and others. The most powerful feature is immediate exploit source download right in your working path.Python versionUtility was tested on a python2.6, python2.7, python3.6. If you found any bugs, don't hesitate to open issueHow to useSearch#...

CAVE MINER - Search for Code Cave in All Binaries (ELF, PE and Mach-o) and Inject Payload

This tools search for code cave in binaries (Elf, Mach-o, Pe), and inject code in them.FeaturesFind code caves in ELF, PE and Mach-oUse custom bytes for the search (ex: 0xCC can be used as nullbytes on PE)See virtual address of the code cave.See the permissions of the code caves.Search custom cave sizeInject the payload into the binaryDependenciesPython2.7Installationpip install cave-minerExempleDownload CAVE MI...

Viproy - VoIP Penetration Testing and Exploitation Kit

Viproy Voip Pen-Test Kit provides penetration testing modules for VoIP networks. It supports signalling analysis for SIP and Skinny protocols, IP phone services and network infrastructure. Viproy 2.0 is released at Blackhat Arsenal USA 2014 with TCP/TLS support for SIP, vendor extentions support, Cisco CDP spoofer/sniffer, Cisco Skinny protocol analysers, VOSS exploits and network analysis modules. Furthermore, Viproy provides SIP and Skinny development...

ShellStack - A PHP Based Tool That Helps You To Manage All Your Backdoored Websites Efficiently

ShellStack is a PHP based backdoor management tool. This Tool comes handy for "HACKERS" who wish to keep a track of every website they hack. The tool generates a backdoor file which you just have to upload to the site and put the backdoor URL in the shells.txt present in the tool's directory.With ShellStack You canImport PHP ShellsGet Server DetailsUpload Files From Your System using your terminalAnd Above all You Can Manage Your Backdoors EfficientlyHow...

spoilerwall - Avoid being scanned by spoiling movies on all your ports!

Spoilerwall introduces a brand new concept in the field of network hardening. Avoid being scanned by spoiling movies on all your ports!Firewall? How about Fire'em'all! Stop spending thousand of dollars on big teams that you don't need! Just fire up the Spoilers Server and that's it!Movie Spoilers DB + Open Ports + Pure Evil = SpoilerwallSet your own:Clone this repo$ git clone Edit the file

sharkPy - NSA Tool to Dissect, Analyze, and Interact with Network Packet Data using Wireshark and libpcap capabilities

A python module to dissect, analyze, and interact with network packet data as native Python objects using Wireshark and libpcap capabilities. sharkPy dissect modules extend and otherwise modify Wireshark's tshark. SharkPy packet injection and pcap file writing modules wrap useful libpcap functionality.SharkPy comes with six modules that allows one to explore, create, and/or modify packet data and (re)send data over network, and write (possibly modified)...

Wreckuests - Tool to run DDoS atacks with HTTP-flood

Wreckuests is a script, which allows you to run DDoS attacks with HTTP-flood(GET/POST). It's written in pure Python and uses proxy-servers as "bots". OF COURSE, this script is not universal and you can't just drop Pentagon/NSA/whatever website with one mouse click. Each attack is unique, and for each website you'll gonna need to search for vulnerabilities and exult them, which might result in hardcoding, nosleeping, etc... Yeap, this is your dirty...